Monday, October 3, 2016

Today's Prayer, October 3, 2016

Father, may we pray this day asking for your love, grace, mercy, and wisdom be poured out upon all people of all nations that surrender unto the perfect will of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, please forgive us as a people and a nation for continuing to fall short of thy glory.  Help us to continue to grow in thy perfect will through the power, direction, and authority of thy Spirit.  Father, may we prepare ourselves this day and always with the full armor of thy salvation that has been giving to us providing us with the power and authority to continue to battle the evil and wickedness that lurks in every shadow of this dark perverse world.  Father, make us understand that it’s not by our might or power that we will ever be able to rebuke the evil and corruption of the flesh, but by the might and power of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost that dwells within all who are truly sanctified through the blood of thy Son, Christ Jesus.  Father, help us to be a witness and comforter unto all people of all race, nations, and gender.  Father, may we continue to walk upright seeking the perfect ways and wisdom of thy Spirit continuously without ceasing through prayer, meditation, fasting, and reading of thy Holy Word, the Bible.  Father, bless all who continue to bless others without reason or excuse.  Heal all who have repented and accepted the salvation of thy son, Jesus Christ.  Father, be merciful always in thy correction and judgement of all people everywhere.  Father, may we continue to give thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you in all we recieve, do, and say this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ precious name we pray.  Amen.

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