Father God,
we thank you this day and always for your continued grace, love, and
mercy. Father, let us remember it is you
that delivers us through the storms of this life, and we thank you for the
storm that you just delivered us through.
Father, help us to understand and acknowledge your ways and will through
thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Father, have
compassion on this nation as well as all nations in hope that all people
everywhere come to know and accept the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ. Father, may you continue to anoint us with
thy wisdom and will through thy Spirit always in hope that we can minister unto
one another as thy word directs. Father,
help us to understand the importance of denying who we are and becoming whom
you have called all us to be allowing ourselves to be directed and guided
through this wicked perverse world by thy Spirit always. Father, we pray that you send relief unto all
who have suffered loss of love ones, homes, and all other things that may be of
importance to them showing them the true strength, mercy, and grace of thy
unconditional love. Father, may we all
humble ourselves before your presence always in hope that we all will be found
worthy of thy gift of eternal life when the end shall come. Father, send healing upon those who seek it
in faith and forgive those who persecute us for who we are in thy Son, Christ
Jesus. Father, may we continue to give
you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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