Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Today's Prayer, June 28, 2016 1BY1 MINISTRIES

Let us pray as we enter into yet another day that the Father has so graciously given unto us.  May we humble ourselves before Him and each other in order to be a better witness for the gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s Heavenly Kingdom.  Praise God.  Father, give us your wisdom and your understanding of all that which comes upon us this day as temptation and deliver us victoriously from the evil that surrounds us.  Allow others to see a reflection of your son, Jesus Christ, in everything we do and say this day and always.  May you continue to receive all the glory, honor, and praise for that which you’ve done, doing, and continue to do in the minutes, hours, days, months, and years still yet to come if it be your will.  We praise your Holy Name, Father God.  Amen.

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