Sunday, January 22, 2017

Today's Prayer, Sunday, January 22, 2017

Lord God, today we pray asking that you continue to guide and direct this nation as well as all nations with leaders that are submitted unto thy will, wisdom, and ways being not slothful in that which they do and say.  Father please hold these men and women to the standards that thy word gives and directs.  Father, please continue to have compassion towards all that have and continue to fall short of thy glory. May our thoughts and ways become that of thee seeking thy kingdom and righteous in all things we do and say.  Father, pour out thy love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations in hope that all hear the gospel of thy son, Jesus repenting and accepting thy salvation.  Father, may we continue to grow in thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost daily submitting ourselves unto him without ceasing.  Father please help us to continue to bless and pray for each other.  Let us sit aside our differences and start focusing on the only thing that really matters which is you, thy kingdom, majesty, and glory.  Father may we edify thee in all we do and say this day and always.  To you Lord we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, January 21, 2017

Lord God, today we pray for all people of all nations asking that you continue to forgive and forget those things which we bring before thee seeking thy redemption through the blood of thy son, Jesus Christ.  Father, may our hearts be purified by the salvation that we’ve received as a gift of thy love, grace, and mercy.  Help us to understand that we must become as children seeking the perfect will, ways, and righteousness of thee through thy Word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost being obedient unto all that is taught unto us.  Father, may we forget the person that we once were and become the person that you have chosen us to be.  Father, fill us with thy power, might, and majesty giving us the ability to do all things unto the name of Jesus through his strength and power that has been giving unto all saints walking upright in the will of thy Holy Ghost.  Father, let us be not afraid or ashamed to share thy righteousness, word, and love with everyone you bring before us allowing us the opportunity to minister, witness, and testify unto the gospel of Jesus.  Father, may we bless others as you have blessed us.  May we offer ourselves daily as a sacrifice unto thee to do that which you’ve called us to do this day and always.  Father, we give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Today's Prayer, Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lord God, we stand today in intersession prayer for the loss and tormented of the world.  We pray for the sick both in health and spirit.  Father, please send thy love, grace, mercy, and healing power upon all people of all nations both whom are sanctified unto thee through the salvation of thy Son, Jesus as well as those who still need to repent and accept thy precious gift.  Father, let us not forget where you found each of us when we repented and accepted thy righteousness of forgiveness through the power and the blood of thy Lamb, Jesus.  Father, may we have the same unconditional love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness written to the tablets of our heart willing to give freely the same unto others just as you have so graciously giving unto us.  Father, help us to understand that the ways of no man or woman is thy ways, nor thoughts unless it is giving unto them through the submission of one’s self unto the perfect will and ways of thy Spirit.  Father, May we continue to seek thy perfect will, wisdom, power, and authority through thy Word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, feed us to the fullest with all that is righteous before thee.  Feel our hearts with the peace, joy, and happiness that surpasses all sickness and evil that may come against us.  Give us the strength and endurance that thy servant Job had.  Help us to continue to stand upright within thy presence being purified by our own submission unto thy work, word, and Spirit.  Father, bless those who need a blessing in their lives.  Send conviction where conviction has a need to bring all back into the righteousness of thy kingdom, glory, and majesty.  Father, may we fail not to surrender unto thee in all we do and say this very day serving you by serving others.  To you Father, we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Lord God may we pray giving you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise for that which you’ve done, doing, and continue to do.  Father, may we learn to accept your will for our lives becoming more and more obedient unto thy Word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to stay humble before thee and one another in all our ways.  Give us the strength and endurance we need to sustain the evil within this world.  Father, help us to recognize righteousness when we hear it and see it as well as evil so that we might not allow ourselves to be consumed by it.  Father, may you continue to send your grace, love, and mercy upon all people of all nations hoping that all become sanctified unto thee through the salvation of thy son, Jesus and thy Spirit.  Father, help us to see things for what they are and give us the wisdom and understanding of all that is righteous before thee.  May we continue to bless others out of the pureness of our heart in hope that something we may do or say leads them to the foot of the cross.  Father we give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lord God please continue to send thy love, grace, and mercy upon us all in hope that we continue to humble ourselves before thee seeking thy kingdom and righteousness always.  Father, may we not forget that which thy son, Jesus spoke and taught within the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Help us allowing thy Spirit to rise up within us to show and teach us all the ways, wisdom, and will of thee.  Father, we can’t be sanctified unto thee without thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost within us.  Father, may we surrender unto thee in all our ways this day and forever.  Continue to fill us with all we need that is of thee and from thee so that we may continue to witness, testify, and minister unto others in everything we do and say no matter whom they may be in this world.  Father, please continue to send help upon those who are in true need and seeking thy ways and will for their life and the lives of their families.  Father, may we always have thy love, grace, and mercy within us when confronted with the evil of this world that surrounds us.  Help us to do that which we need and should be doing in order to edify thy kingdom and majesty.  To you Father we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, January 16, 2017

Father God, let us pray that we continue to abide and adhere to all that is righteous before thee.  Father, keep us humble before thyself and one another.  Help us to recognize that it’s only by your love, grace, and mercy that we are yet giving another day on this earth.  Father, may we take the days you give unto us to work towards thy edification, glory, and kingdom.  Father, we ask that you continue to have mercy and send grace upon all people of all nations in hope that all accept the salvation of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, continue to lead and guide us through thy Word and Spirit as we seek thy kingdom and righteousness daily.  We thank you for all that you have giving us and hope that we shall continue to give unto others.  Father, let us acknowledge that our life is not our own, but yours to do that which you choose to do.  May we surrender unto thee always allowing thy Word and Spirit to minister to our heart, soul, and mind without ceasing.  Father, we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, January 14, 2017

Father God, forgive us for who we may be and send thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost upon us to help us become who we should be before thee and one another.  May we continue to seek thy kingdom and righteousness in all our ways this day and forever.  To you Father we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen

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Friday, January 13, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, January 13, 2017

Lord God we pray giving thanks unto thee for thy love, grace, and mercy which you continue to pour out upon all people of all nations.  Father we thank you for the gift of salvation through thy son, Jesus Christ.  Father we thank you that even though we were all as nothing but filthy rags that through the salvation of Jesus we might one day find rest in thy heavenly kingdom.  Father, we pray that peace, joy, and happiness come upon all people and nations being united unto one God, Thee.  Father may we not let our hearts be troubled or our minds be concerned with the things of this world that attempts to steal all that thy has giving us who stand sanctified unto thee in one body, one mind, and one spirit, your Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father may our faith, trust, and belief of all thy son done, preached, and taught continue to strengthen us and help us to continue to drink of the well and eat of the bread which he gives unto the obedient and faithful.  Father, may we remain always humble before thee and one another hoping that on that glorious day of judgement that we receive our robe, crown, and place in thy kingdom.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Today's Prayer, Thursday, January 12, 2017

Lord Jehovah, let us pray lifting holy hands unto thee asking for thy continued love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness be giving unto all people of all nations that continue to resist thy gospel, will, and ways.  Father, help all people to see the righteousness of those things giving unto us of thee by thee.  Help us to walk upright within thy presence always so that we might continue to edify thee, thy glory, and thy kingdom in everything we do and say.  May we continue to submit ourselves daily unto the perfect will and ways of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost as we read and study thy Word.  Father, chastise us if we need chastising.  Correct us if we need correction.  Discipline us if we need discipline.  Father, do whatever it takes to bring all people of all nations to humble ourselves before thee in all our ways and accepting the salvation that thy has giving us through the redeeming power and blood of thy son, Jesus Christ.  Father, may we continue to give remembrance unto all things and ways that are righteous before thee as we start this day and all days that are still yet to come if it be thy will.  May our hearts be filled to the fullest with thy righteousness and charity giving freely of all that thy has giving us so that we might give unto others and bless them.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in everything we do and say this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Father God, please continue to have compassion upon all people of all nations in hope that everyone surrenders unto the ways and will of thy perfect word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we seek thee in all our ways this day and forever.  Help us to continue to grow in thy Spirit and word as we seek thee.  Show us all the things that are righteous before thee.  Pour out thy Spirit, love, grace, and mercy upon us filling us to the fullest with all that is needed to do what thy have chosen and directed us to do in accordance to thy will.  Father, help us to stay focus on the gift of salvation and eternal life in thy heavenly kingdom rather than the ways and will of the flesh and this evil perverse world.  Father, may we humble ourselves before you and one another giving thanks always.  Please use us to do that which we’ve been called to do and if we should fall short of thy glory, please help us to get back on the right path unto thy righteousness.  Father, may we bless others without expecting anything in return.  Father, send help where help is truly needed and conviction upon all who continue to fail to abide and adhere to all thy commandments, ways, and will in accordance to thy word and Spirit.  Father, please be with us this day guiding our path, words, and direction in everything we do and say.  Lord we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto thee this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, January 7, 2017

Father God, let us pray that this year be a year of prosperity and peace for all mankind not of monetary or material things, but of the unconditional love, grace, and mercy that comes within us through the anointing, power, and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may our individual faith, trust, and belief in all thy gospel preaches and teaches be that which we surrender unto and start living by.  Father, we are but as filthy rags before thee if we continue to be the people we were before accepting the salvation of thy son, Jesus, but let us bring to remembrance this, so was the adulteress woman and others that he delivered and gave healing.  Let us remember what Christ said unto them once he delivered them from the things of this world that had them burden and condemn.  He said this, “Go and Sin no more.”  Father, help all people of all nations to acknowledge and understand that if we desire thy peace, joy, and happiness continuously within our lives we can have it as long as we abide and adhere to all thy will, ways, and commandments being filled to the fullest with the truth of thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, forgive us for our lack of faith, trust, and belief on all thy son, Jesus spoke and taught, and help us to rebuke the disbelief that continues to bring division among families, churches, countries, and nations.  Father to you we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Friday, January 6, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, January 6, 2017

Lord God, may we humble ourselves before thee giving you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this very day for all that you’ve done, doing, and will continue to do as long as you shall allow us to live.  Father it’s time for all people of all nations to get serious about the only thing that should matter in all our lives, are we doing all we can do for the good of thy gospel, abiding in thy word and Spirit or is thy enemy, Satan got us believing that we are?  Father, strengthen our heart, soul, and mind with all thy wisdom, will, and ways.  Show us that which we need to be seeing, hearing, and believing rather than the things of this world which is the devils playground.  Father, we can’t do it without your love, grace, and mercy within us.  We can’t be righteous before thee without adhering and abiding in all that thy son, Jesus spoke and taught.  We need thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost with us and within us at all times so that we might see all the delusions and diversions that thy enemy constantly brings before even the very elect of thy children.  Father, may we recognize that we are weak and thou are strong.  Give us the understanding of where thy strength, courage, and power comes from being within us through thy word which should reside on the tablets of our heart and thy Spirit, the Comforter, the Holy Ghost which brings us into remembrance consistently of all thy ways, will, power, and glory.  Father, let us choose you and your righteousness in all our ways this day and always.  May we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Today's Prayer, Thursday, January 5, 2017

Lord God let us start this day giving remembrance unto thee the giver of this day.  Father we know that thy are the creator of all things and we would like to thank thee for all thy has done, doing, and will continue to do in the lives of all.  Father fill us to the fullest with thy compassion, love, grace, and mercy so that we may give freely unto others the same through the anointing, power, and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father let us not boast of all the blessings and gifts that you have giving unto us, but rather help us to share a portion of all that we have been giving so graciously with others.  May all that we give come from a pure heart within us that is abiding and adhering to thy commandments and being obedient unto thy word and Spirit.  Father fill our heart, soul, and mind with all that is righteous before thee.  Help us if we stumble in our ways to get back up and stand boldly upon all thy gospel and promises that Jesus, thy son, spoke and taught.  Father forgive us if forgiveness is what we need.  Help us to understand that forgiveness will not be giving unto us unless we give unconditional forgiveness unto others.  Father may we grow stronger in our personal faith, trust, and belief of all thy ways, will, word, and Spirit.  Help us to see, hear, and understand those things that others will never be able to see, hear, or understand unless they themselves repent and receive the salvation of thy son, Jesus and thy Comforter, the Holy Ghost.  Father may we give constant remembrance unto thee in all our ways this day and please accept all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto thee that we give freely as thy children and servants unto you and one another.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Lord God, please hear our prayer asking that thou continue to help us to grow in our personal faith, trust, and belief of all thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost presents unto us.  Father, may we continue to walk and talk all that is righteous before thee and of thee.  Father, we know that thy ways and thoughts are not the ways and thoughts of all whom choose to live for the present in accordance to the will and ways of this world surrendering unto the lust and desires of the flesh.  Father, fill our heart and soul with thy wisdom, love, grace, and mercy giving us all the understanding of thy ways and will as we continue to seek thee in all things.  Father, may we consistently humble ourselves before thy majesty and one another as thy son, Jesus spoke and taught.  May we bless others in everything we have, do, and say this day and always.  Please send help unto the helpless and conviction upon the greedy and deceitful so that they too might come to truly understand all that is righteous before thee.  Father, carry us when we need to be carried and be there when we stumble and fall helping us to regain all that thy has promised.  Father, may we continue to grow within thy perfect ways, will, and love sharing the gospel of thy word and kingdom this day and forevermore.  To you Father let us continue to  give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Lord God, we thank thee once again for yet another day to continue to grow in our faith, trust, and belief unto thee, thy word, and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father please continue to pour out thy love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations.  Father may we come to adhere and abide in all that is righteous before thee.  Father help us to be a blessing unto others giving all people that you bring before us the same unconditional love, grace, and mercy you’ve giving unto us who proclaim thy salvation and righteousness.  Father may we always bring to remembrance the gospel of thy son, Jesus Christ sharing that which he preached and taught under the anointing of thy Comforter, the Holy Ghost.  Father may all our conversation be holy and edify thy ways, will, and kingdom this day and always.  To you God we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Monday, January 2, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, January 2, 2017

Lord God, we thank thee with all our being for all thy wisdom, understanding, and joy that thee continues to bring upon thy humble children.  Father may we continue to seek thy perfect will and ways for our lives through thy holy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to continue to grow this day and always in our faith, trust, and belief of all that is righteous before thee.  Father deliver and protect us from all that is evil.  Help us to walk among the shadows of darkness, thy enemy Satan giving us everything we need to endure, sustain, and rebuke all that he presents before us.  Let us start living this live new in thy Spirit as we continue to seek thee.  Father we pray for the loss of the world in hope that they too come to repent, accepting the salvation of thy son, Christ Jesus, and start walking upright within the will, direction, and guidance of thy holy one, the Holy Ghost.  Father help us to stay humble before thee and one another.  Help us to always put others before ourselves in all we do and say.  Father give us the words to speak that shares your will and wisdom with others in such a way that thy gospel and kingdom is always glorified.  Father may we continue to share all that thy has done and giving unto us freely unto others freely as well.  To you Father we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Today's Prayer, Sunday, January 1, 2017

Lord God, let us pray giving thanks for yet another day and year that has been giving unto us by thee in hope that we continue to adhere and abide unto all that is righteous before thee.  Father, may this be a year that all people of all nations repent and surrender unto thy perfect will and ways seeking thy salvation through thy son, Jesus allowing thy Spirit to become dominate within their lives.  Father, please keep us humble before thee and one another this day and always.  May we bless others with the same unconditional love, grace, and mercy that you continue to bless us with.  Please put the charity within our heart, soul, and mind that can only do good for all mankind.  Father, may we surrender ourselves always unto thee allowing thy Spirit to use us in whatever manner needed so that thy gospel and kingdom continues to grow.  Father, please continue to have compassion on the loss of the world sending people before them to minister unto them all that is of thee and righteous before thee.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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